Chief (Kings of Guardian Book 7) (The Kings of Guardian) Read online

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  "This is what the… tenth raid?" Jared watched the team breach the warehouse doors.

  Jacob nodded and pointed at the far left monitor hitting his mic. "We have movement at the rear."

  "Affirmative, Alpha One." Two large men exited the building and held to the shadows.

  Jared leaned forward as if the act would bring the images into better focus. "Fuck, they have one of the women."

  Jacob did a double take. "Kilo One, two perps with one hostage."

  "Affirm. We have them. Standby."

  Jacob made a survey of the helmet cams and hit Jared's arm. Two members of Kilo team approached what he assumed was the back door. The infrared cameras allowed them to see far better than the surveillance camera installed outside the warehouse. Three fingers appeared in the view of the camera at the same time as Kilo One counted down the move. Jacob's knuckles turned white as he gripped the tabletop. He knew what was coming and fuck him if it didn't send a shot of adrenaline straight through him.

  Close your eyes . He mentally reminded the team members. He lived each of these missions whether he was on the ground or not. Jacob saw the flash-bang launch and the next second the infrared cameras blanked.

  "What the fuck just happened?"

  "Flash-bang." They stared at the grainy image of the small surveillance camera in the alleyway because it was the only image not blanked by the intense blast of light. There were several smaller flashes. Gunfire, probably not from his guys, they had flash suppressors on their weapons. Fuck, this was the hardest part of the op. Trusting his team leaders to do what they needed to do and waiting for the report. It fucking sucked.

  The infrared cameras started to flicker back on. Jacob knew from experience not to bother trying to see a damn thing until the camera was fully functional. The momentary glimpses as the lens recalibrated were frustrating as hell.

  "There." Jared pointed toward the end of the alleyway. Three team members walked forward. One had a small person in his arms. They sprinted toward the recovery point. The other two dropped a man in a suit to his knees. Two local cops came into the picture. They assumed control of the perp and the team members headed back into the alleyway.

  "Alpha One, this is Kilo One."

  "Go ahead." Jacob flicked his eyes to the images now coming in on the infrared camera.

  "One in custody. One dead. They opened fire on us, sir. The hostage, she wasn't hit sir, but she's in a bad way."

  "And the rest?"


  Jared ran his hands through his hair. Getting evidence on these fuckers was driving them all insane. The compartmentalized way the Bravata ran their business was a maze of brick walls, dead ends and leads that fizzled more times than not. They'd been lucky several times, but the information they were able to retrieve was usually because of pure unadulterated luck, that was something everyone involved in these operations acknowledged. The Bravata had fucking mastered the ability to hide in plain sight.

  "Alpha One we have two perps inside. Twenty-seven hostages and, sir, we have paperwork."

  Jacob fist bumped his brother. "Roger that, Kilo One. The paperwork comes to me. No copies, no local law enforcement involvement."

  "Affirm sir, we have the documents and will upload."

  "Negative! No electronic copies. Standby for a courier. They will have the operation's sign-counter-sign."

  There was confusion in the team leader's voice when he acknowledged the strange order. Jared took off his headphones and ran his hand through his hair. "We are losing valuable time by using couriers."

  "True, but I'd rather lose time than information. That hacker has proven he can infiltrate our systems. Jewell is running a counter broadcast now, rerouting the audio and using encryption she knows the hacker can violate to bait him away from this mission. We have to play the smoke and mirrors game to protect Chief."

  "Yeah, I get that, but I don't like the Stone Age techniques."

  "But it has been working." Jacob glanced at the camera feeds. Hopefully, they'd catch a break, and their luck would hold. The alternative wasn't something he'd care to think about.

  Chapter Five

  Taty jumped when her phone vibrated against the countertop. She put down the knife and the vegetables she was chopping to answer it.


  "You will drive to the address I will text you. This client owns businesses that have become inconvenient to our endeavors, yet he has reached out to us for a supply of toys. We are more than a little suspicious. Gather what information you can without revealing your position within the organization. Ascertain the extent of inventory he's requesting. You have impressed us with your ability to know when something is off. Use that talent. You must be available to the client promptly at three tomorrow afternoon. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, I understand," Taty answered the direct question as instructed.

  "And Anya?"


  "This man is a skittish recluse. Only a few people in this world have met him face-to-face. This may be our only opportunity to impress upon him our ability to provide the service he is requesting. We will provide whatever he requires to secure him as a client. Whatever he requires. Is that understood?"

  "It is understood."

  "We will contact you after your meeting." The face of the phone went dark as she stared at it. They would provide whatever he wanted. Should she suggest a face-to-face meeting with her boss? She was the exclusive go-between. One side would not know what the other required without her. If she played this right, it could be the means to finally identifying her boss.

  Tatyana reflected on the conversation. The man spoke fluent Russian, but he had an accent. Obviously raised somewhere besides Europe. If she was forced to guess, the man's accent seemed… American? She shook her head and returned to the mission at hand. She had a billionaire to seduce.

  Mike glanced at the wall mounted digital clock again. The third time in as many minutes. His training session had actually been challenging this morning. He felt amazing, and Garrett was going to get a bonus if he kept coming up with innovative workouts.

  Chief took a deep breath and released it slowly. He'd invested a year of his life to get to this point. Everything hinged on this meeting. He'd run every conceivable scenario through his head. Each move he made gave his opponent several options. He'd worked through the primary, secondary and tertiary responses and prepared himself for every tactic the enemy could throw at him. His head snapped up at the knock on his office door.

  "Come in."

  Joel stepped in and shut the door behind him. "Sir, the three o'clock appointment is here. Where would you like to receive?"

  "Take them to the Grand Library and offer refreshments. I'll be there after a fashion." Joel's eyebrows lifted slightly, the only indication that he was surprised at Mike's actions. He'd never made an effort to impress another person or stall a meeting before, so having both happen simultaneously would be unusual.

  "I have my reasons, Joel. Oh, and please make sure the guards complete a thorough search and scan before they allow the representative into my home. I'd hate to find any listening devices during our daily sweep. I'd rather not deal with the inconvenience."

  "Of course, sir." Joel executed a perfect bow before he departed the room. Mike passed his hand over the computer screen embedded in his desk. He dragged his finger across several drop down menus and activated a screen split into six squares. The camera feeds displayed the lower quadrant of the palatial chalet. With his elbows on the desk and his hands clasped together, he framed the screen with his massive forearms.

  The image on the screen surprised him. A woman. He thought back to the conversation he'd had with the prince. He'd told the prince to inform the brother that he had discerning tastes. Mike assumed the prince would know he was talking about the orders, not the representative.

  The image
on the screen was feminine. Her light brown hair was cut short. Natural curls framed her face and flattered her delicate features and huge eyes. The woman reminded him of a wild doe in the woods. Her gaze moved, constantly surveying her surroundings as if looking for potential threats. As she walked through the security checkpoints, he noted the white leather pantsuit and matching spike-heeled boots. Even though the leather covered every inch of her skin, from just under her chin to her toes, it revealed every detail of her small athletic body, from the dimple resting above her pert ass to the firm rise of her breasts.

  Mike suppressed a chuckle. She was miffed at the guards. He could read her indignant attitude from three floors away. One of his guards gestured to the grand library and opened the door for her. He switched monitors and watched the awe displayed on her face at the enormity of the room. Her head snapped back toward the guard who motioned toward the tray a butler was currently depositing at one of the numerous conversation groups arranged throughout the cavernous library. The woman spun around when the door closed behind the guard and butler. Mike wondered what she would do left alone in the huge room. She walked to the middle of the library and did a three-sixty, put her hands on her hips and shook her head. Mike allowed a small smile. The woman's reactions had been nearly identical to his. He studied her. She was a looker, and she knew it. The way the leather molded to her lithe body left little doubt she was very proud of herself. Not that Mike didn't appreciate the view because he did. He adjusted in his seat and gave himself a bit more room. It had been a long time since he'd thought about a woman in the way he was thinking about the one downstairs. The vision currently inspecting the tomes lining the impressive room wasn't the type of woman that held his attention—usually.

  He blew out a long breath of air. It would be an even longer wait until he acted on any spark of desire he felt. She was part of an organization that bought and sold people. She wasn't a romantic option. She was the enemy, and he was going to take her down along with every other sleazy bastard involved.

  Taty slowly walked around the library. She paused at an imposing glass case. The UV filter and air circulation system were almost undetectable, but she knew what she was looking at from her years at university. Inside the case sat what she assumed was a Gutenberg Bible. The geek in her longed to examine the pages, to sit with pen and paper and translate the language into Russian, to feel the parchment and smell the distinct odor of a priceless original work from the Gutenberg press.

  "That is one of the twenty-one complete versions of the Gutenberg Bible."

  She turned at the voice. For a moment she lost all thought of anything other than the man standing in front of her. His sharp cheekbones, tan skin, black hair and almost black eyes could be from Mediterranean or Eastern Indian paternity, but his stature was far too tall and broad to be anything other than of American Indian descent. There were no lines on his face or gray in his hair. His lips were full and curved in a slight smile. His age could be anything from 35 to 50, but he was a splendid specimen of man no matter how many years he'd lived. His American accent, however modulated, reverberated around her senses. A high paid puppet for the master of the realm perhaps?

  "I assumed. Your employer has good taste."

  A smile tugged at the corner of the man's mouth for a split second. There appeared to be a sense of humor buried beneath the veneer.

  "I was told there are over fifty thousand volumes in this room. Most are first editions and all are exceedingly rare." He gazed at the floor to ceiling shelving directly in front of him.

  "Many people wish to obtain that which is unique. One-of-a-kind things are priceless. Few have the financial wherewithal to be able to do so." Taty's words were well considered. She wanted to know how much the recluse's people knew about what he was after.

  The man turned to face her. His eyes narrowed, and Tatyana felt the intensity of his stare. "Your name?" The question seemed more of a demand. Tatyana felt a slither of discomfort crawl across her skin. This man exuded menace. Far more so than she had originally thought. No, he wasn't a lackey for the boss. This man wouldn't bow down to many. The muscles under his hand-tailored suit were taut, poised for action, yet she detected no weapons. Not that he'd need them; she could tell by the way he carried himself. His demeanor screamed danger. The polished exterior he presented barely concealed the aggression she sensed.

  "Anya Krupin." She gave her Bravata-devised cover name, the one she'd been given when she started working with the toys. "And you are?"

  "David Xavier. This..." He removed his hand from his pocket and cast it around indicating the massive library and the chalet in general, "…is mine, and yes I do enjoy rare, one-of-a-kind treasures."

  Tatyana's gut dropped at the introduction. This magnificent man could have any man or woman he chose. Why would he need the perversion of toys? Not that it mattered to her. She had a goal, and he was the means to the introduction she'd been working for years to achieve.

  She glanced over her shoulder and turned away from him under the pretense of looking at the volumes contained within the next shelving unit. "I understand you are looking for someone who can provide you another treasure."

  The man walked up behind her. She could feel his body heat and smell the rich aroma of spice in his cologne. "Do you speak with authority or are you a messenger?"

  Taty glanced over her shoulder and up into his dark eyes. The intensity of his stare forced her to drop contact almost immediately. "I'm only a messenger. I go; I talk; and when they call, I relay information." She glanced back up at him and shrugged. "I have no authority. I am… how do you say it… a buffer?"

  Mr. Xavier's left eyebrow rose a millimeter. It was the only indication he'd heard her. His eyes were cold, and his expression revealed nothing. Taty had never dealt with a man who emanated such absolute power before.

  He turned on his heel and walked toward the silver service tray the butler had left only minutes before. Taty followed him and nodded when he indicated a delicate china cup. He filled it with tea.

  "Milk? Sugar?" He wielded the service like he'd done it a thousand times.

  "No, thank you."

  He handed her the hot drink and settled back into the chair. "I have numerous orders. The order would be substantial and recurring. However, I will not do business until the quality of the product is inspected, and I never do business with… buffers."

  "I understand." She sipped the tea and took a calculated risk of revealing her knowledge of the business. "Their terms are set in stone. You will pay only after your inspection. You provide bank routing, and after you confirm the merchandise is acceptable the money will be moved." Tatyana searched the tea she was drinking and prayed she didn't telegraph her desperation that this man proceed with his purchase.

  "So you are not a buffer. Very well, however, I will not do business without meeting the head of the organization I am associating myself with."

  Shock lifted Tatyana's eyes to meet the obsidian gaze across from her. "They may not agree."

  "Then they will lose access to a vast stream of unequaled income. I have people who will pay what your organization's charges and a…" He nodded to her, "…buffer fee to ensure they are not directly associated with your employers. I have no such reservations and will act as their agent. Let them know they would be cutting off a lucrative source of revenue."

  Tatyana set the cup down on the table and swallowed as she digested the information. "You do not purchase the treasure for yourself?"

  "That is not your concern."

  The reprimand stung. It was true, and he nailed her to the wall with her slip up. She lowered her eyes and tried to determine what a billionaire would get out of such an arrangement. The question whirled through her mind.

  When she glanced up again, he'd cocked his head and was staring at her. "Leverage."

  She blinked before she asked, "Excu
se me?"

  "You were wondering what I would receive from being an intermediate."

  "I was. Is this leverage worth the personal risk of the association you seek?" She could have bitten her tongue off at the abrupt question.

  He reared back and laughed as he stood. "Go. Do your job, Anya." He handed her a thick metallic gold card with only a telephone number engraved in black print. "Text me, so I have your telephone number. Have a good evening, Ms. Krupin. You were an unexpected… buffer." He started to leave but then turned. His voice floated across the expansive distance between them. "You believe your employers are dangerous people." The statement sent shivers down her spine because obviously, this man did not make such an assumption.

  Ana lifted off the chair and nodded. "I do."


  She watched as he left the library. The soles of his shoes made little sound against the marble flooring. Trepidation broke through her like a crashing wave pounding the shoreline. She had lived in the primordial ooze of the Bravata and had dealt with the rich bastards who purchased the merchandise, but never had she met a man that scared her as much as this David Xavier. The man wholeheartedly believed the Bravata would bend to his will. That made him insane or the most dangerous man she'd ever met.

  "Ma'am?" Taty's gaze snapped to the guard who had escorted her in. She drew a deep breath and headed his way. Regardless of her concerns, she had a job to accomplish.

  "Arch Angel, we have a positive contact on Eagle's Nano RFID trackers. They activated thirty-four minutes ago. Our system has confirmed the signature."

  Jason King acknowledged the message and hit the doors to his office heading to the Guardian's Operational Command Center. Jacob and his wife Tori stood in front of the massive video screens.

  "Chief has activated the trackers. That means he's made contact and the mission is moving forward." Tori handed Jason a red folder which flagged it as Top-Secret. "His schedule for the next two months. He's going to be in New York. If I were a betting woman, he'd have the first transfer done there."